Major Major Major

Actually, they WERE exonerated based on evidence. DNA evidence, in fact. Not one of the dozens of the DNA samples from the scene matched the WM3 and the only DNA match belonged to Terry Hobbs, one of the murdered boys' stepfather. Plus, the interpretation of the medical examination of the bodies, which led to the

Actually, they WERE exonerated based on evidence. DNA evidence, in fact. Not one of the dozens of the DNA samples from the scene matched the WM3 and the only DNA match belonged to Terry Hobbs, one of the murdered boys' stepfather. Plus, the interpretation of the medical examination of the bodies, which led to the

@nomnomnom: I've met Phil Anselmo and yes, he is a dick. But Superjoint Ritual will rip your balls off and is wayyyyy better than Pantera.

Why cant Stewart be an everyman and a liberal? Since when does an everyman mean a conversative redneck idiot (I know redudancy upon redudancy)? Im a blue-collar, lower-middle class public employee, about as everyman as you can get. Its because of this that Im a liberal (actually socialist). Just because a bunch of

How sad is it that I got excited reading a conversation about Yuengling only because I was born and raised (and still live) in Pottsville, PA? I dont even drink and Ive never had Yuengling.
Living in a small time sucks.

This has got to be..
A joke right?

Cunting is the collloquial word for cat hunting in the south.

Would you just send your resume and writing to the AV Club and stop annoying everybody? Come on man, have some self-respect and get some self-actualization. Realize you dont work for the AV Club and they don't want to give you a job.

It isn't the fact that the movie is "original", because, frankly, it's not original in the slightest way. The script might as well have been written by a 9th grader who just discovered Howard Zinn and realized that Columbus was not a hero (and nor our leaders).

You should take the whole bottle.

If he goes away forever, then having to suffer through that pretentious hipster poetry is almost worth it.

I hate you so much. So much that I cant even see past the blood-red rage flooding my head to make a snarky insult about you.

Can I be the first to suggest that Sarah415 be shunned from the AV Club?

Zodiac owned Stacy in three words. Thats got to be a record. Im nominating that for AV Club OWNAGE of the year.

Holy Hell Eldan, the Simpsons arcade game was the pinnacle of arcade video games. I remember being a teenager and my friends and I played through the entire game, it was awesome. The greatest part was not wasting any money, as we made the dorky kid who no one liked keep pumping quarters in the game for us. Using

I also have to cast my ballot for Wonder Showzen.

apparently the confusion was so great, I couldnt even spell confused correctly.

Am i the only one who read this entire review and had lady sovereign confused for M.I.A.? I guess my brain can only handle one women rapper with a british accent.

It was Bret "Hitman" Hart who bought Mr. Burns' mansion, not Triple H.