Midnight Departure

@avclub-b750f74544cb00c138079607276995e9:disqus Thanks to your link, I just spent 90 minutes watching Dudes, which I had never seen before. You're right, it's an ok watch but not exactly a lost classic. Some of the dream sequences really sucked, but they sorta pulled it together in the end (despite the cheesiness).

To me, the most blatant instance of Will consciously recognizing Hannibal for what he is occurred in the back of the ambulance while Hannibal was rescuing Silvestri's latest victim. In the last split second before they cut from Will's face, his eyes seem to glaze over a bit as if he was lost in thought (and birthing

Yes, I agree with you again on your more detailed points. Indeed, the nature of their relationship appears fully formed (at least I hope the nature does not change significantly), but there is still plenty of growth that could take place in the depth of their relationship. That's all I was saying, too.

Not inappropriate given the circumstances, Dick.

@avclub-392f765bed2826a22a4e84f0523b375c:disqus Agree with you on nearly every point in your comment, save one: "I also really enjoyed the continuing development between Sherlock and Watson, though I think their partnership is fully formed at this point." While I believe that both characters have developed deep

This series of articles feels like a coffee-house chat with people who don't filter their discussion with overt explanations of their nomenclature or processes. It's just loose wheeling and dealing about their inspirations or motivations within a very Hollywood/Network dynamic. On the risk of dating myself, I find it

So you're in your 30s? It's funny, we used to think of a generation as spanning 18-20 years. Now it seems like it's 5 to 8 years that separate an entire generation. We live in a different era, indeed, my friends.

This series of articles provides a ton of insider info that us AV geeks find so fascinating. I'm just tickled we've only seen part two of five installments. Great shit.

As a veteran of S.D. Comic-Con, I can attest there were plenty of women at the Con in the last few years, but their increasing presence has risen in parallel to the Hollywoodization of the Con. 25 years ago it was a far different story.

Well, Jim Parsons can give Simon a run for his money in certain comedic situations, but I agree that Simon has far greater range and deeper talent.

I get what you're saying, but bear in mind that Penny, of all people, is the one who says "no one has." She's always trading on her loathing of geekdom, even though in her heart she has clearly changed her tune to some degree. And I'll bet Lucy (or her female acquaintances) could tell us a few D&D stories.

Oh, nerds definitely watch this crap as much as they watch Community or any other show. But the truth is that nerds don't feel that TBBT represents their reality very well at all, since they don't get gorgeous chicks, wives, cool-nerdy girlfriends, or great careers at universities; these are only fantasies for

Whoa, there Daldude, we sing the same verses of the same song. I agree with every point you made. And @avclub-5442903c1c5f39cd26119308ac2cf4b4:disqus , I'm not sure three episodes is enough. I love The Middle now, but it took time to grow on me. To me, the parents, played by "veteran sitcom actors" as you say, are

I can dig your point, @avclub-a17bf70c7cfc521094e5cf8bc02bc04a:disqus I did enjoy AD back in its early seasons even though I let it go a couple years ago. And completely agree that Bob's is low-key and quirky, compared to the high-energy, manic humor often presented on AD, which helps it hit some pinnacles that Bob's

When you actually read the article, the examples shown aren't nearly as "terrible" as the article claims. Some are a little worse, some are actually better, and yes, they do compare SCPD concept sketches to finished ads.

Well, Cathy is still (of course) the focal point, but there were plenty of chances for others to shine. Her son and her brother really stood out.

Not devoted to the debate, but no, Bob's Burgers is the best animated TV show. To call AD the best "by a wide margin" is an insult to BB and you should be flogged by Louise.

Just for balance: I'm 50+ years old, have a BFA-with-honors degree, work full-time as a professional writer (with great bennies), raised two kids, got a divorce after 17 years, have multiple side careers, and I really admire Tosh.0.

I used to watch American Dad semi-regularly and enjoyed it, but it never made its way into my "must-see" list because Stan just held zero empathy with me. Then, entirely randomly, after watching Bob's Burgers (which is on my must-see list) I half-watched Family Guy and went ahead and watched this ep of AD, for the

Nowhere else to put this really, but The Big C aired its 2nd of four hour-long episodes Monday night and it was outstanding. Better than anything in the 3rd season and it has me looking forward to the final two episodes. It's a shame coverage was cancelled with only four eps left!