Skechers is the Modern Family of cool. A little bit of something to appeal to all ages.
Skechers is the Modern Family of cool. A little bit of something to appeal to all ages.
I agree with you (and liked you), and this type of error is one of the most common to be found, even on "sharper" sites.
Well goll darn it, now we have our answer. A bullet can easily pass through a passenger door if it is not deflected by the multitude of window, locking or handle mechanisms of the door!
The funny thing is, I add the cheese AFTER the tortilla chips have been heated in the oven, so the cheese is half-melted at the time of consumption. Maybe 3/4 melted. But not fully melted. Who the fuck wants boiling cheddar on their nachos? Not me or my senile compadres!
When I open my door for harmless old ladies, I always keep them in my line of sight just in case they're one of the bitches planning to give me any shit for playing my TV too loud when I'm watching my TV shows. That's actually happened twice, and now there are two vacancies in my apartment building.
That's correct. The abort code could be used ANYWHERE. It just so happened that Arkady needed to send out the abort code in the most blatant and obvious way possible, because the circumstances warranted it.
"Not to get all Zapruder on this thing, but how exactly did that bullet make it into Elizabeth’s gut if Stan was shooting from outside the car, standing up, while she was sitting?"
After a slow-burn debut, the carefully paced plotting in the middle-season episodes led to an acceleration of action and character development as we came down the stretch, culminating in a hair-raising finale that not only satisfied our need for *some* closure on this season's existing storylines but opened intriguing…
Okay, for one, Ben and Kate was the best major network show to be cancelled this past season.
But if they overstepped the boundaries of network depictions of violence, why did they put the episode "in the can" to begin with? I get the sense that what we haven't seen is NOT like some snuff film of children; Fuller is too savvy to broach that degradation of humanity. In fact, I'm sure the banned ep scarcely…
Yes, @drdarke:disqus the Angelmaker did castrate himself, so we know he could withstand great pain during self-mutilation. But that was a single act of "chopping the nuts."
Beautifully written insight on the show, @avclub-66520152e71d698a1a1b0448cd9d7402:disqus
I do believe the decision was (likely) entirely made by Fuller, and despite my disagreement with his decision I respect his rationale, if only because I respect him as a creator of quality television.
I'm afraid I have to once again disagree with the decision to hold back the original episode four. I disagree with the reasoning. (Sandy Hook? Really? From last year? Boston? Really? Did that have anything to do with children killing children?) As if we, as a discerning public, can't discriminate between a TV drama…
I spent an uncomfortable amount of time thinking about the logistics of his suicide. It was rather painful, and achingly laborious, to reconstruct.
Can we at least include "cinematography" along with all the references to framing, style and imagery? Hannibal features some of the best cinematography I have ever seen on a major network show.
Elizabeth: But you have a dozen pair already!
If Philip and Elizabeth needed to suddenly escape the country for some reason (Grannie, you bitch!), I can imagine that "Clark" would set up a ruse to spare Martha's feelings. Like Clark furtively calling her late at night and whispering he'd been captured by the KGB and faced certain death. Martha would cry and fret…
You were right with your first post, @avclub-12a6b31534819f646bd9bf5e8a99756d:disqus This decision really was horse shit, as I agreed in a post up thread. I was so anxious to register my disappoinment with the decision I stuck my post in the first logical place I could find before I found YOUR post down here.
I like this show too, but this pulling of an episode and then serializing it as a web series SUCKS DONKEY BALLS! I don't mind cross-breeding the interwebs and TV, but I wanted episode 4 of Hannibal in its entirety on my TV, in the intended place for the intended plotting, and without censorship of "a few graphic…