
XBOX Updates
This seems like the seemingly low number of questions can easily fixed with online updates, right???

I liked it when
the kid vomited on his face and then the guy cut his finger and sprayed blood all over his family and the vomiting, loooooved the vomiting.

Hank and Peggy Hill
Those two are NEVER EVER EVER getting divorced.
Also props to Steve Heisler for the Party Down one. I too would like to believe they stay together. And as someone else pointed out-how could the AV Clubbers forget Homer and Marge (I'm looking at you Rabin!!)

I don't think David and Keith would count towards this Q&A only on a technicality because **********SPOILER******** we see them spend the rest of their days together. I was thinking this is for characters where we leave them and don't truly know where they go, but they are a fantastic couple.

"What you talkin' bout every-one" he kicked fun-zo's ass

To quote John Goodman,
NBC: Fuck you, you fucking fucks

Pulp Fiction
makes me want a burger (bloody as hell) and shake (amos and andy). also oldboy made me want some dumplings which is surprising since its a movie most would not want to eat after

you are 100% correct. I thought the answer was obvious.

so what you're saying is
that there is no news today

its videos like this…
that make me miss billy mays. he would have sold the shit out of this useless piece of crap. whoever did the voice over for this is unbearable

not sure…
why there's hate for fabio, he was pretty fucking funny on top chef. he would always call out people's bullshit for cooking the same stuff. It's top chef not top scallop. i mean he did win audience favorite.

since when…
is drew barrymore iconic? does that word mean anything anymore?

About the Patton DVD…
I was at the recording of that show and it was great. I watched the special on Comedy Central and noted there was a bunch of stuff that was cut out that was hilarious. Anyone know if the DVD will have the entire show?

why piven isn't wearing a fedora….
goes against doctor's orders, no hats on the hair plugs. has anyone's fake hair made someone as famous as piven? for christ sakes he was playing george costanza/larry david on seinfeld, two characters who constantly mention thier baldness

I'll allow it!

i don't know about you…
but the name "Jemma" is probably my least favorite name of all time.
Bort:Bart :: Jemma:Jenna

was this written…
just to show the carousel clip from mad men, because if so—well done. that's probably the best bit from the show and worthy of having an inventory written around it

Don Rickles
I was really hoping he would have a longer set, and maybe show up, that would have been great. You forgot to mention the god-awful donald trump bit (which there is no way he wrote). trump wasn't even there which could have lead to some great roasting. if there's anyone who deserves to be mercilessly

mine's kind of a composite, but it would be touring around with the comedians of comedy (Galifianakis, Oswalt, Posehn, Mirman, Bamford). Also Aziz Ansari seems like someone i'd get along with, he's seems like someone that everyone would get along with for that matter.

i said "oof!"out loud to that last line. i don't think i've ever done that. that was awesome