
do explain!!

Oof.  He announced that the winner of his "weirdest amazon review" contest will in fact be the one with the most "helpful" votes.  The review with the most helpful votes by far is "Uninspired Re-imagining of Great Songs".  Ouch.

If they quibbled about money, that only makes them like every band ever.

its the fact that he quite explicitly asked fans of Soul Coughing not to attend his shows nor to friend him/follow him on Twitter or Facebook

Well I mentioned something about this above, I don't really have any problems with him re-recording it, it's the constant stream of passive-aggressive posturing that really throws me off.  I've never before heard of a guy who is over a decade clean continue to insist that everybody but him was the problem.  Nor have I

Putting aside the quality of the album for a moment, it does feel rather unsavory that he asked for money to help record it from the very fans he was more than happy to tell off a few months ago.  And now he's essentially bribing them to write 5-star reviews on Amazon and iTunes (when I checked Amazon it was 3.5

Well I can't say I cried over it but yes the album isn't very good and "Unmarked Helicopters" is probably the worst offender.  I too am a little shocked that AVClub seemed to like it (at least this track).  The fact that he replaces Yuval Gabay with a drum machine is probably the worst thing about it.  Without the

If you're looking for a good article on The Book of Drugs (one that actually bothered to contact the other dudes for comment), read this:

I don't think it's right to be offended at this but the reaction of "fuck you for telling me that I shouldn't like your old stuff because of how bad you were abused, then telling me a year later it's okay and here's how to donate to my re-recording project".  I would LOVE the idea of this project if Doughty hadn't

Karl Hyde not much of a singer?
What a bizarre criticism. Because to me and most other UW fans, the singing has been one of the group's strong suits. Did you ever listen to UW's "classic" material like "Dirty Epic", "Juanita", "Jumbo", or "Dark and Long"? The guy is and has pretty much always been a great singer.