She Doesn't Remember You Anymore, Charlie Brown
She Doesn't Remember You Anymore, Charlie Brown
Wow, those attending those particular screenings will know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, they are sitting in a theater with the biggest, nerdiest fanboys in their metropolitan area.
Am I the only one who didn't have ANY problems understanding what Bane said? And this was the bootleg version. It was unconventional, but I thought it was cool and made sense.
littlealex I call the big one "Bitey."
Is it too late to start a "Bring back Millennium!!" campaign?
Yeah… I don't know, since it's Dexter, that we'll be using "complex" to describe it. And since it involves Jennifer Carpenter, it won't be erotic either.
Also, the fact the actors playing the roles of incestuous siblings are themselves recently divorced really lends an air of creepy awkwardness to the entire proceedings.
"Just don't look. Just don't look."
[musical jingle interlude]
Definitely. Feel free to pass the buck to… Buck.
I can thank Mr. Buck for only one thing: giving me a clear, identifiable person at which to direct my ample vitriol.
…break his legs!
Get them in latex suits.
I'm only replying to get the number of comments up.
One of my favourite quotes of the entire episode was between Mr. Rad and Abed, when Cory clearly mixed up the study group's past histories, but with such confidence…