
at least i got chicken

at least i got chicken

I love this show…im from the gulf coast and everytime i see the hurricane aftermath pictures in the theme i get chills.

I love this show…im from the gulf coast and everytime i see the hurricane aftermath pictures in the theme i get chills.

RIP Mca…im so sad i almost got to see them at lolla a few years ago.. i love ya mca RIP

getting chained to a heater.

When are we gonna get a Rome rewatch on tvclub…

It was Roose bolton

First community episode i watched was Remedial Chaos Theory….went out and got the first 2 seasons that weekend

darryls ear necklace at the start of the season made me think of blood meridian too…

Im glad someone said this i love the indoor kids. I thought for sure it would get a mention…

Love the Toadvine ear necklace…Daryl your the man

the people have guns and people riot cheats are the best

i thought of rdr as a gta testing ground..kinda

I dont know if anyone said this already but Chinatown.

I saw them live once in a tiny hipster bar with maybe 20 people max and they killed it… I was immediately sold