Harlan Ellison?
Harlan Ellison?
L. Ron used to write some OK science fiction
I have a collection of pulps with early stories by L. Ron before he went bugshit crazy.
Amen! Ummmm…I think.
Confessions of a Crap Artist.
PKD anyone?
Glad I'm a Golden Age Comic guy.
You know, in the days when comics had severed heads, needles in eyes, and bondage covers! And were actually drawn and colored by hand. This looks awful.
I'm glad she shaves…
under there. But elswhere?
Even though I can't hold a tune
I can tuna piano. or something. Singin' in the rain. Works every time. Prosthetic nose helps too.
Following was very good too. Can't wait for the blu-ray release. Will it come with temporary tattoos?