Sid the Rabbit


Dead Dogs and Gym Teacher's is my second favourite episode, so dibs.

Dead Dogs and Gym Teacher's is my second favourite episode, so dibs.

Post About Something In an Attempt To Subtly Push My Pitchfork List:

Post About Something In an Attempt To Subtly Push My Pitchfork List:

He was Marshall's boss on HIMYM 5 years ago.

He was Marshall's boss on HIMYM 5 years ago.

You're right.

You're right.

I think it's difficult for a movie that ends with a nuclear explosion 6 miles outside of a 6 million person city to not be over-the-top. Considering, this wasn't to guilty.

I think it's difficult for a movie that ends with a nuclear explosion 6 miles outside of a 6 million person city to not be over-the-top. Considering, this wasn't to guilty.

Had a Nolan Batman marathon with my friends before finally going out to see Rises. Thought I'd share some thoughts, keeping in mind that these are pretty much the only Batman-related things I've seen outside of a ragtag compilation book of classic comics from before 1970.

Had a Nolan Batman marathon with my friends before finally going out to see Rises. Thought I'd share some thoughts, keeping in mind that these are pretty much the only Batman-related things I've seen outside of a ragtag compilation book of classic comics from before 1970.

The first time I heard about Community was in a Rolling Stone comedy edition, touting it as "Chevy Chase's new show". I had zero interest in it and completely forgot about it.

I am in the "some" group who think it used to be great (watching season 1 right now), but I'd rather Dan Harmon try a NewsRadio/Seinfeld type thing than a HIMYM….

I am in the "some" group who think it used to be great (watching season 1 right now), but I'd rather Dan Harmon try a NewsRadio/Seinfeld type thing than a HIMYM….

I won't dispute the Friends was overall terrible, but occasionally it was very funny (joke funny, not situation or acting or character funny), and about 90 percent of that was Chandler.

I won't dispute the Friends was overall terrible, but occasionally it was very funny (joke funny, not situation or acting or character funny), and about 90 percent of that was Chandler.