Daddy B

Peggy on the couch with the cat fulfilled her mother's advice from an earlier season: You want a friend? Get a cat.  After it dies, get another one.

Well hopefully they'll find something more interesting for her to do than fawn over the doctor like the overprotective mother of a special needs child. BTW — was anyone else reminded by one of the rooms in the TARDIS of the Space Jockey's chair from Alien?

This was much better than I thought it would be from the previews.  It was crisp fun that, for me, eclipsed the inevitable untidy bits that always come with Dr. Who.  Matt Smith has really taken off in the second half of the season.  I credit this to the  show having jettisoned the Ponds and River.  Long live Clara.  

Cool movie. perfect end. To me, one word makes it come together: