
I think that was in Dances With Dragons.

I feel as if they've been beaten to death. (I'll show myself out)

Walt woke up and discovered the last 5 seasons have all been an awful, meth trip. He immediately goes to rehab and, by episodes end, is on his way to redeeming himself.

The AMEX Unstaged is truly brilliant and an innovative way to allow people to see the shows they wouldn't normally see. I thought Jack White's, directed by Gary Oldman, was fantastic.

@avclub-6a2ec3076bb494e5c64eb1a422d9fe3d:disqus He's talking about Daniel-Day Lewis' penis.

I thought he peeked with The Social Network although Fight Club will always be a classic!

It's the change that falls between your seats when you're attempting to order said drive-thru.

That sounds so much like a weird Christmas card. "The wild and wonderful Whites of Albuquerque wish you and yours the very best of holidays!!!"

OH GOD THE STRIPPER!!! I never out-and-out hated Rico. I just thought he made some wildly weird decisions and most are based on his "I must constantly seem like a machismo man" attitude. Rico always seems like he's trying to reconcile a softer, more humane side with a dickish, whiny attempt at "being a man".

OH GOD THE STRIPPER!!! I never out-and-out hated Rico. I just thought he made some wildly weird decisions and most are based on his "I must constantly seem like a machismo man" attitude. Rico always seems like he's trying to reconcile a softer, more humane side with a dickish, whiny attempt at "being a man".

It's Always Sunny In My Sex Dungeon

Well this is some not so harsh barley (the harsh barley being that Happy Endings is still not coming back).

This article reeks of contrarionism. You bring up a lot of points that are misguided and some that aren't even true. To say Breaking Bad lacks "spontaneity" makes me think you haven't even seen the show. I have no problem with dissenting opinions. In fact, I welcome them and I welcome the discussion they bring. This

I'm in the (roller skating rink) empire business.

But I'm still gonna pretend that it was spontaneous and everyone just HAPPENED to be  there.

My guess is he was already doing this as a promotion or something to be aired when DP arrived.

That was more than two words……..

She is one mouthy bitch.

Ann you are NOT being a beautiful, tropical fish.

Aimee. AIMEE. You know who we hate? Medianet.