
Pretty much, they wuined it also MEG'S HAIR IS IN THAT PIE YOU'RE EATING!

Your post was very umanizing.

I'm waiting anxiously on my boat.

Kanye is pondering his favorite subject to ponder: Kanye.

Guess What? Chicken Butt-ler: Based On The Novel Clean Up On Aisle White House By Fuschia.


I agree, except I think he nailed the "We have great fucking lawyers" line.

I thought his review of the review reviewed a lot of things I had not previously reviewed. Review.

These puns wont matter in the long run because Television Rules The Nation.

Why do you always go for the slop yobs?

Let's start one for Kimye.

I cant' STAND My Boys. Honestly, TBS has yet to create an original sitcom I've enjoyed.

"Was it you, the baby from Eraserhead? Then it must've been you, the woman from The Crying Game?"

Judy's lubricated horse cock aside, this is a brilliant and hilarious movie.

This SOOKS!!!!

That album cover is god awful, What in the hell is Deschanel looking at with that semi-constipated look?

Kalendriaconchiqua. Kal for short.

Oh Fergie. Fergie, Fergie, Fergie.

"Uh…..I'm more of a Breaking Bad fan." -God

"I have a bad feeling about this." -Obi-Wan Kenobi when asked how he feels about new Star Wars movies