Is the space pope reptilian

He has quite the opening!

This description is pure poetry.

I didn't see this as a knock against Louis at all, but against the population in general who need Louis and not Louise to spell this out for them.

I actually teared up at that. I'm tearing up again now because you've reminded me of it.

Thank you! I knew I was forgetting something obvious.

I think Meloni is thicker than that

Wow, Glenn is an incredibly handsome guy when he isn't playing actual psychopath, Dennis.

Seriously, I almost expected Oberyn to ask Mace to fetch him quill and parchment as well, while he's up.

Good point. But I imagine Ned would have gone up against the Mountain, right (unless the Mountain was off doing something else, I can't remember)? He's not beating that monster. Plus, he thinks he won't be executed since he's offered a chance at the Wall.

I can see that, but it gave show Stannis a chance to not completely suck all the greatness out of his character. Seriously, I cannot get over how poorly handled he has been since his great turn in the Battle of the Blackwater.

Or, can you smell what the [Lord of Casterly] Rock is cooking?

Technically *pushes glasses up nose* 98 of his problems were a bitch (Cersei), and the 99th was being dwarf (highly inter-related to the first 98 problems).

Because how many people have someone who is willing to fight to the death for them? Death is the outcome to one person in trial by combat, and I can't imagine that too many people not of the nuclear families of the great houses would have the luxury of someone stepping up to defend them by risking their own lives.

A locket that shows you images you, umm, hate? so that you won't destroy it…

Don't listen to the mandrake babies without earmuffs!

Dobby/Giant Squid or GTFO.


Jonah is Dee's dance instructor - wacky, inflatable arm waving tube man.

She truly was the black swan of this season.

If Courtney started shooting people with her boobs, then I'd be much more into her.