Is the space pope reptilian

This! He has such an attractive face that he will always be attractive; plus even heavy he has a really attractive body (not a body only people who prefer heavier people would particularly enjoy), I think.

Hear hear!

This exactly. Also, Kate Beaton!

It's going to be "The Trial of Captain Hook!" Buster is implicated in Lucille 2's murder/disappearance.


@avclub-95bf5763251f491480a0c1e5b76a16d8:disqus Virginia Eats Kids First!

Brienne's chapters were hit and miss, though I always enjoy her character. However, there is not a single word in any of the Cersei chapters that I dislike. She made the fourth book for me.

Is there gold in the coin slot?

My life was over when I found out Pabu essentially exists in the real world as a red panda. Those things are too ridiculously adorable.

It's so much better! And that's not a dig against Samurai Jack at all.

Are they neighbors? Roommates?

No, cast him as Quentyn, then there might be a chance that everyone won't find that character insufferable.

@Scrawler, aren't you tired of shaking your booty for these fat jerks?

Bees make honey and jelly? Why doesn't anything humans make taste good?

@avclub-4f86d021a65ad7db114366c5d5dcf69f:disqus I saw Peaches Christ Superstar, a one woman show of Peaches doing the entirety of Jesus Christ Superstar. It was basically the only truly enjoyable version I've ever seen.

Or Hamlet 2's Rock Me, Sexy Jesus!

Looking back, Grey's Anatomy was more like Pre-Celebrity Deathmatch, as many people who came in to do one or two episode arcs as patients (who all inevitably died tragically in the most horrific ways possible) went on to become show leads for other things later.

This is all I've ever wanted out of life!

I love Brave, but I think your critique that it's a draft away from where it needed to be is very apt.

Yeah, I want their freak flags to fly. There's something exhilarating to seeing the creators' most bonkers ideas making it into a cohesive whole.