Is the space pope reptilian

Roxxxy really does have a lack of character in all senses of the word.

I definitely thought Alaska won the lipsync hands down, which was odd because I would have put money on Jinkx to knock it out of the park again. Jinkx did really well, though.

Roxxxy must be Phi Phi's favourite contestant ever. Phi Phi has literally never looked so good!

If only she could figuratively burn Roxxy with her dragon yelling "Comedy is not unprofessional!"

That was the line of the night for me. I had to walk away and recompose myself after it was uttered.

Also wearing the same thing all the time and never getting called on it.

That would make me the happiest I think.

I think it is so hard to choose between the two of them because 1) they are both incredible 2) Roxxy makes them both look even more incredible 3) They approach drag somewhat similarly, but do slightly different things with it that are both great.

@avclub-33807fbc68d335db8080d3c10cb78822:disqus Everyone is always like, "Yeah, Blackwater, pretty green explosion!" and I'm like, "Drunk Cersei dispensing advice is my shit. Best episode ever."


When our favourite Dornishman arrives on the scene you know there will be Elia, Rhaenys and Aegon backstory aplenty!

R'hollor is definitely the character most in need of development :-)

Sorry, I was trying to answer your question while being vague for people skimming this. Theon is not a POV character again until the 5th book. He is not in books 3 or 4 at all because no POV characters interact with him. The storyline they are showing here is only known to the readers as back story that gradually

She did, in fact, purchase all the unsullied in the city, who went and freed all the city's other slaves.

She bought all the Unsullied, even the untrained boys. Before she freed them and asked them to fight for her anyway, they pillaged the city and freed all the other types of slaves.

Some characters don't start out as POV characters but become them as the novels continue.

I know what you mean, so I don't mean to criticize your word choice, but I don't like that everyone says Sansa is stupid. She makes stupid decisions, but that's because she's a child and came from a loving home that didn't prepare her for the game.

I'm sure that will be there. Essentially they can keep Loras off the kings guard until the wtf wedding of the century (mayhemless version) which still gives him time to join the Kingsguard before Jaime gets back to town, right?

Exactly. Varys is having these conversations with everyone all the time.

I can't believe the review didn't mention Sue once. She had some of the best moments of the episode!