Is the space pope reptilian

Just page me when it's ready

Parks needs an ocelot!

I got the gay vibe too. I hope he goes for Gunner.

But Slimer is green!!!!!

Jenna Maroney pronounces it Gam-er-ah

So when he and Carrie finally get together there will be a lot of slapping?

So when he and Carrie finally get together there will be a lot of slapping?

Taken from us too soon; he's essentially the Harvey Milk of Westeros.

Rubio just can't seem to court the anti-little poland spring bottle bloc.

Glee Club is the Borg

That was her??? Jesus, I can't unsee it/probably don't want to unsee it

@NaturalBlues:disqus Very true.

They had to realize that and didn't want that joke in the show if Archer wasn't there to be a juvenile ass about it.

I actually did that while they walked out. I started out doing the actually bit and quickly stopped in favor of all yes

Rocko's Modern Life made spring cleaning bearable for me when I did it as a job because I could just sing that song (and the rest of the episode) while I worked.

Arrested Development!

Quinn the Brain is hands down my favourite episode. What takes the number 2 spot is highly contested, though.

I'd understand if it's real insecurity (which I believe), but I would love it if she's playing everyone.

Can I get a card to that library?

God, in any other circumstances I would have cringed from the sheer awkwardness of her not realizing how bad her jokes were, but for whatever reasons I was loving how into her jokes she was and it made that whole bit bearable and fun.