Is the space pope reptilian

I actually didn't even realize it was him until this morning. I just thought it was someone who looked a ridiculous amount like him (I don't know why I thought that made more sense, but there you go).

That would be awesome. Perhaps they could even work with Youtube and some of the other online entities that host such things.

I literally let out an audible groan when reading your last one. The trials we have overcome to make it to this day, I tells ya.

I've been waiting for someone to do Bjork for so long. Do I need to learn drag and make it on Season 6 to make it happen?

There are people who think Coco should have won??

This! If a girl played Ru's neighbor from across the street at Ru's childhood home and was able to make Ru laugh that's obviously going to beat playing a bland version of someone the viewers at home all know.

So, what you're saying is that miracles really do happen?

I'd switch Tatiana with Sharon and possibly Pandora and Chad, but otherwise, this is how I see it too.

The Scarlet Letter is definitely in the top three of my least favourite "great" novels; it may even be number 1, but I'd have to really think about that.

Not my daughter, you bitch!

What?? That's incredible. I didn't know that before, but I totally see it now.

@Scrawler2:disqus "I think [Kristen Stewart] was on painkillers. I didn't know it was a car accident though," is hilarious when read out of context.

Excuse me! Suburban routine being soul crushing was such a novel idea! Never done before

He's actually Latino and looks exactly like a tanner version of my ex, which makes it both uncomfortable and pleasant for me to see him on TV weekly wearing almost nothing.

@avclub-b438234660b05ac0fa7c13ec58bec06b:disqus That space is only there because Jess is saving room for Jesus. He may have a 3 day refractory period, but damn is he hung.

I was so happy that the opening crawl was semi-explicit in the US's direct hand in turning Iran into the morass of issues that it was at the time (and the repercussions it still deals with today). I do still wish they had done a better job of depicting the Iranians, but the beginning really was welcome.

That's an incredible point. I feel a little different about how aware the rest of the movie is of its historical context, but I completely agree that the Beethoven scene is the best distilled result of QT's fevered mind in that particular regard.

I would love to see her in an opera. Her clips on late night talk shows singing are great.

I agree. last week I said heads would roll at the Space Vatican if MGK did not show up. I'm a bit more level headed now, but it is so out of character for Leslie that it is hard to get over.

Her fake interest in the Hawaiian city hall was her high point for me, though almost all her scenes were examples of pitch perfect April hilarity.