Is the space pope reptilian

Alec Baldwin looked the best to me when he played Devin Banks in football at Don Geiss' estate. Damn…

1) "Lemon out" would be a wonderful last line, though I'm sure whatever they choose will be perfect in a similar way

I will flip some tables if the review isn't this…also if anyone takes my mac n cheese.

Shows like Dead, Gay 30 Rock only come along once a generation!

It is kind of hilarious to think that the only interesting thing any of them do is drive, and it's only done by Lady Edith, the red-headed stepchild.

Oh! A gift basket…

I've been waiting for a queen to do Björk too! Though while everyone would recognize the character, I could imagine that being a difficult one to pull off for an entire Snatch Game segment since it would be easy for someone to go a little too odd.

Oh god, and I just realized what this would be: rainbow sherbet with marshmellow fluff and chocolate chips.

Whatever it is called, I just hope that it's Han made in Usa.

Who dat nilla

Eat like nobody's weighing?

Kamiko-tan..gerine sorbet

What about the Gaylord Felcher?!


Honestly, this would be a great model for a lot of businesses if approached appropriately. And on sites like this you can even get a small sense of the marketing power by the likes received.


Ugh, I responded to you in another thread with an idea you had already come up with. I am the worst.

Black Crusaders!

Lemon Party (with old Dick!)