Is the space pope reptilian

I absolutely loved The Dispossessed. I really, really need to read more of her works. Like yesterday.

Can't wait for future President Romney's diplomatic meetings with the Spanish prime minister.

Can't wait for future President Romney's diplomatic meetings with the Spanish prime minister.

I was less disappointed that he didn't get down and dirty and more disappointed that he let some of Romney's allegations stand unchallenged, like the money taken out of the Medicare system, and he often left out simple salient facts that would have bolstered his argument.

I was less disappointed that he didn't get down and dirty and more disappointed that he let some of Romney's allegations stand unchallenged, like the money taken out of the Medicare system, and he often left out simple salient facts that would have bolstered his argument.

both got head from Janis Joplin

both got head from Janis Joplin

Both have inevitable loves between two characters that happen just 'cause

Both have inevitable loves between two characters that happen just 'cause

Liquid is a state of matter between the melting and vaporization points of elements and compounds, not just things dissolved into or in suspension with water.

Liquid is a state of matter between the melting and vaporization points of elements and compounds, not just things dissolved into or in suspension with water.

I really thought Smellis would end up being gay for Ben. Why won't Parks and Rec pander to its gay viewers?

I really thought Smellis would end up being gay for Ben. Why won't Parks and Rec pander to its gay viewers?

there are tax loopholes that let the most endowed Americans get off; it's trickle down economics at its finest

there are tax loopholes that let the most endowed Americans get off; it's trickle down economics at its finest

That was such a missed opportunity, but probably good for my sides which would have been aching from the laughter.

That was such a missed opportunity, but probably good for my sides which would have been aching from the laughter.

She comes across much better (as in human and flawed, rather than stupid and evil) in Game Change the movie than she does in the book, which is probably due to the fact that Julianne Moore, along with the script and direction, really do treat her like a character with motivations and depth.

She comes across much better (as in human and flawed, rather than stupid and evil) in Game Change the movie than she does in the book, which is probably due to the fact that Julianne Moore, along with the script and direction, really do treat her like a character with motivations and depth.

I saw that too. I'm pretty sure they did.