Is the space pope reptilian

Girls reading books for pleasure? Now that's quirky!

Girls reading books for pleasure? Now that's quirky!

Girls reading books for pleasure? Now that's quirky!

We got a Hobbit trailer too and I've never seen any trailers for a neighborhood watch movie, which sounds like a blessing based on your comment.

We got a Hobbit trailer too and I've never seen any trailers for a neighborhood watch movie, which sounds like a blessing based on your comment.

Ooooo-weee-ooooo killer tofu!

Ooooo-weee-ooooo killer tofu!

2-4 was the first episode of the Chapelle Show that I ever saw. I had heard good things, but didn't really know anything about it and happened to change the channel to it when this episode first aired. I pretty much died when I saw the Rick James skit, but I became a true fan when I saw the Prince one later.

2-4 was the first episode of the Chapelle Show that I ever saw. I had heard good things, but didn't really know anything about it and happened to change the channel to it when this episode first aired. I pretty much died when I saw the Rick James skit, but I became a true fan when I saw the Prince one later.

Batman, Imma let you finish, but Ironman had the best removal and disposal of a nuclear weapon in Manhattan of all time. OF ALL TIME!

Batman, Imma let you finish, but Ironman had the best removal and disposal of a nuclear weapon in Manhattan of all time. OF ALL TIME!

Oh god, the mid-afternoon stock exchange to midnight bike getaway was groan inducing. I also sincerely hope I fell asleep and missed some explanation for the passage of at the very least 3 hours of time (it was winter, so night comes early).

Oh god, the mid-afternoon stock exchange to midnight bike getaway was groan inducing. I also sincerely hope I fell asleep and missed some explanation for the passage of at the very least 3 hours of time (it was winter, so night comes early).



Yes! That was the best lampshade I've seen in a good long while.

Yes! That was the best lampshade I've seen in a good long while.

The audience at my screening also loved Murphy's appearance.

The audience at my screening also loved Murphy's appearance.

Professor_Cuntburglar Nolan did insert a great distraction from that fact with the Daglit mook who asked Selina if it was hard to run in those heels. Her kick and sassy reply satisfied me more than any other part of the movie (besides her other violent actions followed by sassy replies).