Is the space pope reptilian

They are pretty common. The only place I've never seen one is NYC, though I imagine there has to be one in one of the boroughs.

They are pretty common. The only place I've never seen one is NYC, though I imagine there has to be one in one of the boroughs.

Murc Amon's big plan was to take control of Republic City before debending the Avatar. He didn't want the outside nations intervening before he could start his nonbender revolution, which would have happened if he had made Korra a martyr too earlier. So with the revolution in full swing in the last two episodes and

Murc Amon's big plan was to take control of Republic City before debending the Avatar. He didn't want the outside nations intervening before he could start his nonbender revolution, which would have happened if he had made Korra a martyr too earlier. So with the revolution in full swing in the last two episodes and

Yes, and while we probably won't get whole episodes of wacky time-wasting nonsense, the other writers will probably help them include more moments of it in plot heavy episodes to add to the world building and character development.

Yes, and while we probably won't get whole episodes of wacky time-wasting nonsense, the other writers will probably help them include more moments of it in plot heavy episodes to add to the world building and character development.

Please tell me that Mako is at least a hot cop

Please tell me that Mako is at least a hot cop

Thank you for this. Everything you just posted about your problems with Aang have been driving me nuts. I really hope it is Katara that knocks some sense into Aang given how deferential they've made her in Part 2. 

Thank you for this. Everything you just posted about your problems with Aang have been driving me nuts. I really hope it is Katara that knocks some sense into Aang given how deferential they've made her in Part 2. 

K. Thrace Crucifying mankind on a cross of gold in eye-popping 3D!

K. Thrace Crucifying mankind on a cross of gold in eye-popping 3D!

Let's just bring back the whole gold standard/free silver allegory!

Let's just bring back the whole gold standard/free silver allegory!

Let's have a kiki

Let's have a kiki

I just came here to post that. A happy Avatar Day to us all. Let's eat unfried dough to celebrate!

I just came here to post that. A happy Avatar Day to us all. Let's eat unfried dough to celebrate!

Baldwin was in Chuck. Glau was the Terminator. Tudyk has done a fair number of things since, but Dollhouse most immediately comes to mind. Baccarin was in V.

Baldwin was in Chuck. Glau was the Terminator. Tudyk has done a fair number of things since, but Dollhouse most immediately comes to mind. Baccarin was in V.