Is the space pope reptilian


Best Prattfall should be its own category and basically only go to him

Best Prattfall should be its own category and basically only go to him

It's great to see so many shows I love receive some recognition here (9 notifications!) but the lack of LoK is absurd. I can only explain my feeling with this gif:

It's great to see so many shows I love receive some recognition here (9 notifications!) but the lack of LoK is absurd. I can only explain my feeling with this gif:

Awesome. Thanks for the link!

Awesome. Thanks for the link!

Ms. Adequate  I believe Huge Laurie is paraphrasing George Sr.'s "daddy horny, Michael" from Arrested Development.

Ms. Adequate  I believe Huge Laurie is paraphrasing George Sr.'s "daddy horny, Michael" from Arrested Development.

Dany's story works so much better when the episodes are seen back to back instead of weekly. I wouldn't say it is a great arc, but she is much less annoying seeming.

Dany's story works so much better when the episodes are seen back to back instead of weekly. I wouldn't say it is a great arc, but she is much less annoying seeming.

idiotking You don't need to feel for me; I am on the east coast like any good hearted god fearing TV watcher. It's the poor souls in bankrupt but wonderfully temperate states like California that need our empathy.

idiotking You don't need to feel for me; I am on the east coast like any good hearted god fearing TV watcher. It's the poor souls in bankrupt but wonderfully temperate states like California that need our empathy.

The Archmage of the Aether I have not! Should I take the question as a recommendation? I'm always looking for new shows to help mitigate my crushing loneliness.

The Archmage of the Aether I have not! Should I take the question as a recommendation? I'm always looking for new shows to help mitigate my crushing loneliness.

You don't think he pulled off showing Joffrey at least contemplating not being a complete ponce last week when Tyrion asked him to stay and fight?

You don't think he pulled off showing Joffrey at least contemplating not being a complete ponce last week when Tyrion asked him to stay and fight?

It look as if most of those dead were the followers she freed, not the few Dothraki riders who remain with her.

It look as if most of those dead were the followers she freed, not the few Dothraki riders who remain with her.

Not only her faith in the dragons, but the life of her child and Drogo paid for two of the dragons. It would dishonor both to reject their sacrifice and stay with mere illusions.