Is the space pope reptilian

Also, knocking out Theon is the new slapping Joffrey. Never has violence been so cathartic and funny.

Bugsby  and curiously there are far fewer ships than before for some reason :-)

Bugsby  and curiously there are far fewer ships than before for some reason :-)

I wish we could have seen the actual coin itself.

I wish we could have seen the actual coin itself.

Westerosi Punk'd would end in an awful lot of beheadings.

Westerosi Punk'd would end in an awful lot of beheadings.

Well, what's the dish, Tyrion? Tell me about boys. Who'd you kill? Who'd you exile? Has Varys taken a shine to you?

Well, what's the dish, Tyrion? Tell me about boys. Who'd you kill? Who'd you exile? Has Varys taken a shine to you?

He's got them chaiiinnss

He's got them chaiiinnss

Not only does Amy put her career longevity over her dignity, but the plan "she" thought of had incredibly sexist undertones. I do kind of hope gender becomes a slightly more dealt with issue on the show because I think it could be interesting and funny to see how, to stay in power, Selina mostly upholds the

Not only does Amy put her career longevity over her dignity, but the plan "she" thought of had incredibly sexist undertones. I do kind of hope gender becomes a slightly more dealt with issue on the show because I think it could be interesting and funny to see how, to stay in power, Selina mostly upholds the

He sexed her up good and proper, so I think he's marrying for love and for her honor.

He sexed her up good and proper, so I think he's marrying for love and for her honor.

Cyrano Thebirdsareback Littlefinger majored in deception and minored in creepy at Udub, University of Westeros.

Cyrano Thebirdsareback Littlefinger majored in deception and minored in creepy at Udub, University of Westeros.

Also, isn't it strange for Melisandre not to bring up the fact that leaving her behind in the Battle of Blackwater had something to do with the outcome? It seemed to me that the men on the ground in the books really started to believe that and that only added to her power over Stannis.

Also, isn't it strange for Melisandre not to bring up the fact that leaving her behind in the Battle of Blackwater had something to do with the outcome? It seemed to me that the men on the ground in the books really started to believe that and that only added to her power over Stannis.

That scene made my night. Game of Thrones can be the best comedy on TV when it wants to be.