Is the space pope reptilian

Yeah, and plus the green ranger is the de facto leader who has lots of tension with the de jure leader, so I think that fits Ironman the best and red is Captain America.

There have been 6 episodes so far! Watch the next two ASAP!


Which is truly saying something

Because most of the audience only knows the original if they know the song at all, so Glee looks like it did something clever on its own.

Dance Monkey Boy It is not as simple as that. The characters fill most of their time on the island trying to figure out the mysteries. If the writers want to keep them as mysteries, then they have to find a satisfying way for the viewer to see it as not everything gets explained despite the fact that the entire series

I completely agree with this. Life can be terrible as we know the show dealt with in many ways, but if Buffy was ultimately relegated to being just the Slayer because men millenia ago imposed this on a line of women, then in a lot of ways the whole show would have been pointless. All of Buffy's attempts to grow would

Number one answer!

It's crazy, but you need a lady's consent to marry her.

Johansson was a hooker with red on her ledger and Paltrow was the amiable castrating-shrew girlfriend. Progress!

There is no way Jaime would ever forgive that, I don't think. And if the show tried to play it as if Jaime respected Brienne because she best him to do it, then their entire journey together would play very differently, since in the books he has so much anger and forced introspection because of the loss of his hand.

Sarapen Ah, okay. I totally see where you are coming from now. You are definitely right that the unreality of the cartoon makes it so that this show can use non-white characters without it being to jarring for its majority white audience.

Arya is bringing squire realness to her drag.

magnus True. I probably said more than I should have in my quest to keep someone from getting too spoiled. My apologies Mr. Hermateeowish and anyone else who didn't appreciate it.

She stole the scene walking in the background when Selina had everyone stay late, that's how good Sue is.

We should definitely start that thread next week Kara Thrace and her Special De , though I'm kind of a bad gay since for every episode so far my main thoughts have been, "I can't believe JLD is so beautiful. I can't believe she is still as beautiful as ever. Billionairess don't crack."

I didn't get a VEEP notification when the review went up today, even though I'm following it, but I get Parks and Rec notifications for articles it isn't even mentioned in.

Please Sir I Want Some Whores I agree. I love watching her scenes become more and more incredulous as they find new and less sensible ways to have her sexing it up with the best of them while showing no boob.

My question is how popular should we think they are at the moment before the arena spectacle? There were a ton of people in the warehouse for the revelation and Amon intimates (though he could be bluffing) that the movement is so large now that they can come out of hiding. Maybe the lines are more or less drawn

Sarapen But there is reason to note it because we are talking about an American made program, so in the context of the country in which it is made and airs these people are canonically non-white and that's pretty exceptional in our media landscape. Basically I'm making the same point that Pomplemousse made in the post