Is the space pope reptilian

If Joyce had come on screen I probably would have cried (unless it was Joyce as The First, then I probably would have also shit my pants).

Say what you will about Joffrey, but Myrcella and Tommen are the nicest kids born of incest I've ever seen.

Tecumseh  Don't forget that they will air out of order too (or is that only Fox?)

This like is just to show that I appreciate your last sentence.

I really expected him to turn to the camera and say he was lying while ripping up the concession speech.

But to think like one you have to think like one!

Well, I think she could be a good foil in the next season while Leslie is councilwoman.

Lycro Sister City is my least favourite episode and I actively avoid it when rewatching the series.

JLD is so good on Veep. Maybe both she and Amy can collect this year as a first time ever thing? I really think Amy deserves one, but JLD and Veep is way flashier than P&R.

I agree. That would be a great direction for the show. She and Leslie are friends, but I am sure she would have no problem standing up to her on issues.

I've been secreting a lot recently

Just think of what Andy might get up to training to be and then being a cop. Will we maybe see Pikitis again?

Not yet! We're going to the supply room; does anyone need pushpins, anything?

Violent gangs…of geese

I absolutely crush on him just like Leslie does. He's a handsome, handsome man.

I really loved that it was only white men who preceded her. Just a quick shot, and we obviously didn't see everyone and know Councilman Howser is African-American, but it gave a sense of scope to her victory in a shot that would have been cloying if expressed another way or talked about expressly.

JeremySollie Hold on there, partner. Without electricity we wouldn't be able to enjoy the greatest ever female TV comedy character & performance. The show is definitely better than the other two.

!!! I never noticed this before. No wonder I always want to buy a boat when I see her.

Hopefully we'll get to meet the mayor and his dog

Jerry is either Hot Pie or Ser Pounce.