Is the space pope reptilian

It's actually that graduate student protester from the park. He just moonlights as a janitor to help pay his crushing debts and that's all his useless degree prepares him for.

You know, even though Tahno seems like a grade A douche in this episode, if he is shown more as a crazy focused and self-impressed athlete and less like a generic asshole I could totally see the show giving Korra an interest in him.

I think you are right that Mako is kind of the reluctant Katara of the group (more specifically toward his brother but it affects the whole group too). As for Bolin, while   I agree that he is less sympathetic when you think about his actions it totally makes sense for him to be immature in this way given his age and

I feel like there is no way the show could go here, but what if Lin couldn't bear children and Aang told Tenzin that it was his duty to continue the airbender race and that's when Pema stepped in?

True, but I don't blame Buffy for that, I blame unimaginative creators because Buffy was a subversion of type and that always ends up with the subversion becoming a type used by lazy writers and producers.

Yeahhhh, you're a terrible husband, daddy!

Yes, I hope the fandoms continue to intersect but the storytelling doesn't. If ***GoT spoiler*** Korra were to be beheaded in the 9th episode I don't even know what I would do.

Absolutely. The games are a treat, but not because of tension for me.

And Katara is the best there is! Of course we know that from ATLA, but I'm glad she has that reputation 70 years later.

That's a problem with sports and other competitions in narrative fiction. If you are at all genre savvy, you know exactly what will happen because there are only two, maybe three possible outcomes, but only one of them will advance the story in the way the creators seems to be going. I hardly ever feel any tension in

I'd imagine that they'd have to both be Earth and Fire non-benders because otherwise I have a hard time seeing how a random bender mugger could strike them both down so easily, especially whichever would have been a firebender, right in front of Mako.

I'm a gay man and I never genderbent playing characters (especially in videogames, I'm like Korra in that I like to overwhelm with force), but I definitely gravitate toward badass women in all entertainment media in terms of enjoyment because they get to actually be characters often, whereas badass men often are

5 episodes in and this is our first bit of wacky time-wasting nonsense. I like how tight the story is, but just imagine if they had 20-22 episodes a season for Korra!

I literally didn't know how to react I was so suprised, but then naturally laughter came back when he did that hilarious run out of the scene.

Did anyone else note that when Korra and Bolin went on their date the show used music from ATLA? I can't place the song off the top of my head, but if I remember correctly it was note for note the same.

That's interesting. I had somewhat noticed that, but you're right that the fighting in The Revelation really does resemble airbending moves a great deal. Perhaps chi blockers just learned from watching Aang much like Iroh learned from watching waterbenders. There were no airbenders for 100 years before Aang returned

That bothered me so much. I mean, pretty much everyone in major German cities do speak English, but it was still so dumb. I kept waiting for Whedon to do something Whedon-y and acknowledge that not everyone completely understood Loki there. Alas, he failed me in that respect, but overall it was a great movie.

A knockout is an automatic win.

Also, Korra resembles Katara and Meelo more than resembles Aang. But the question is, since Korra is in some ways Aang, is Aang into twincest?