Is the space pope reptilian

rawbun O Hai, My name iz White Walker & Imma climb ur wall

I love Tyrion-Jaime broship. I wish they got to spend more time together on the show, but maybe in the future!

It lingered because the ponytail was cut off, confirming (what could only have guessed by his decapitated head?) that he was defeated in battle by another Dothraki

He is the reason that the house is a safe point at all. If he were not there, it would just be a house where the Watch could sleep and get attacked by white walkers. I think the scene at the end of this episodes implies why he's able to live safely beyond the Wall.

Black people, much like winter, are coming.

or alternatively Rack and Jose

Oh, that's funny, I just posted above, but I feel like the show actually doesn't show that much central focus sex. When reading the books the amount of sex gets a bit overwhelming in certain points.

The show actually cuts out so much of the sexposition of the books. I feel like the word tit might comprise 20% of these 800 page books.

God, I would die of happiness if Neko Case were Melisandre

Yeah, I thought it was a great little visual reminder of how, umm, unclean whoring is.

It is absolutely my favourite Simpsons episode too. I don't think I have ever laughed as hard for anything as I did when I first saw Blanche's descent into madness.

That's interesting. I don't actually think she does look like Katara too much except in that they both are clearly water tribe. I can see the similarities in the face, but their body types are completely different, which I think is a nice touch.

Hakoda is no Haru, but I groan pretty much every time he's included in a story, so I agree with this completely.

It's so true. I had never thought about them fighting one another but once I did see it start I realized it was what I always wanted out of the show.

Hooray! It's the music in particular that gets me. The almost complete silence of Zuko and Azula's fight, but that incredibly haunting melody that plays over it - I get chills every time I see it.

I know, I was just saying that at that point it really would have put them in open rebellion against the Fire Nation Princess and thus the Fire Nation, or at least it seems that way to me.

Mai already disabled most of the guards once, but I don't think they were ready to actually rebel against the Fire Nation (TM), they just wanted to stop Azula from killing Zuko (Mai) and Mai (Ty Lee).

I knew you had a secret thing with Haru

Definitely watch the four-part finale all at once. It was aired that way and it really works as one long episode rather than 4 separate episodes played together. If you have to split them up, watch the first one separate and the last three together.

It is known