Is the space pope reptilian

They are both generic mid-high level executives and Jane (and Alex) comes from a fairly wealthy family is what I've picked up so far.

the red thing's connected to my wristwatch

I'm going to cut the tag right off. I'm never giving this back.

Fiscal year of comedy. Suck it, taxpayers!

Welcome back. It's a great ride and I hope we have you for Korra's adventures as well!

Yeah, I never remember Katara as particularly funny, but she has some really good zingers throughout the series.

I have even bought that dumb flavor just because of Jessica Wilde

They get shiny shiny orb source

Hazel I was also lucky enough to watch all of ATLA in one go thanks to my ex who introduced me to it. How will we survive this?

Though I would love to see the Ember Island Player effect for his power. It would have been loltastic.

Yeah, this was fantastic because not only is that trope overdone, it makes no fucking sense. Why would you chance anyone access to your most deeply guarded secrets if you know you are going to have to kill them afterwards? Just do it before and be done with it; take no chances, especially if the deeply guarded secret

It's true, but…

My personal favourite line that does this comes from a peripheral character in the next episodes

Yeah, ATLA definitely got over the cliche "but Katara is a girl!!!!!" nonsense very early on and was all the better for it. Especially since by season two the absolute most prominent fighters in the series were Katara, Azula, Mai and Ty Lee (you know, besides Aang) they can't backtrack to that cliche in Korra's

While I definitely think that the ending scene was meant to imply "OMG ROMANCE!", I actually think Mako was thinking about freedom and Korra was thinking about pro-bending. They just represent those things for each other.

I had fruit roll ups for dinner…at a strip club

Can ee cabbages come back each week and maybe go back through all the reviews and add a little something?

Hammer and Pine are excellent candidates too. Please submit your research materials to the group for peer review. Science is serious stuff.

@avclub-814a827b74482a16511fe0e8cec210c0:disqus Stockholm Syndrome is so romantic!

The penis wants what it wants and they are described so similarly in the books I always pictured them the same way.