Horner really loved his music for Wrath of Khan, too, which is why he used so much of it for Krull and Aliens and other films
be nice if they could work the divorce with Mockingbird into a movie. or at least the hot-tub with Mockingbird.
I find myself thinking of the "colored toilet" he sees off the highway more often, but I've always disliked the rose-colored look at the 50s and 60s.
I love the JFK movie; it's a great piece of propaganda despite it selling a story that is complete BS. Amazing cast, incredibly quotable, and hilarious scene chewing.
Time Traveller's wife is a weird story where the classic device of time travel is used to create an impossible dream man. If only men could come from the future to fully attend to women!
yeah, he doesn't drive a Bug. maybe they're thinking of the Tuk Tuk taxi in India? surely not the Alfa Romeo he steals in Germany.
especially since the drivers just prattle on and on about rights for holographic beings
the girls didn't save JW, they saved Bond while Lt. Hip (Soon Tek-Oh) took the other set of attackers.
didn't anybody else catch the homage to the DS9 episode "Time's Orphan"?
he does some magic as Le Chiffre in the wacky Casino Royale from 67
connection: Welles narrated the first trailer for Star Trek: The Motion Picture
well, pardon my tits
the photos in the liner notes suggest the REM song is actually "Southern Central Rain", tho "So." is a deceptive way to abbreviate it.
Hamm seems a little desperate in the ways he wants to prove he has comedy chops. It's like he's the star QB but wants to get laughs w/ drama club every now and then.
just finished the Alfresco DVD set and it is quite hit-and-miss. some nice meta humor and Thompson does some good bits but not essential.
that's Victor Freaking Garber (who starred in the Godspell film later in the 70s)
if I ever meet Martin Freeman, I'm going to beg him to shout "I'M NOT A PAEDOPHILE!!!"
Rachel should be safe from sneaking up… one of the biggest plot holes on this show was how Rachel didn't hear or smell the "blind spot" girl in S1.
Rachel should be safe from sneaking up… one of the biggest plot holes on this show was how Rachel didn't hear or smell the "blind spot" girl in S1.