
The scale in the video said something like 10.7 pounds, so I guess we can deduce that the Toblerone was encased in 0.8 pounds of packaging.

Tolkien and Joyce
In HS, I loved LotR and Portrait of the Artist, but found the Silmarillion and Ulysses insufferably boring. I came back to the latter two a few years later in college and now I think they're their authors' best works. (Full disclosure: have not tackled HoME or Finnegan yet.)

I'm currently 1/3 through Gravity's Rainbow and loving it (though the going is rather slow). But I thought Lot 49 was unmitigated crap. If you want deconstruction of conspiracy theories, read Foucault's Pendulum.

Infamous Joseph Heller quote: "No, I haven't written anything as good as Catch-22. But who has?"

Yeah, I was really hoping Topher would turn out to be a Doll. It seems so logical: if you have 20 Dollhouses, why not just clone your tech guy for each of them?

Dear Amelie
I think you'll find that the expression is "bury the lede". This is because journalists, who also abbreviate "to come" as "TK", are illiterate.

Cate Blanchett
The hottest Marian since Kate Moss in Blackadder: Back & Forth.

I believe it's

But why isn't it called
Kindle 2: the reKindling?

The poem is "The Waste Land", you ignorant fools.

Your dose of pedantry
It's a BigBenTown flag *brooch*. "Broach" would be as in, "I would like to broach the subject of how nearly everything, but especially Tyra Banks, sucks."

You have excellent taste in sparkling wines.

Last Cylon = Cylon God = Secret leader/designer of the other Cylons (and mysterious force driving the plot). Probably came from Earth, too.

The Savage Lovecast
is truly awesome. But we all know you're actually that grammar-fetish caller, Amelie.

In his magic trick, Barney is clearly using a "funkenring" (google it), endorsed by Penn Jillette as the greatest magic prop you can buy.

Old News
that Obama is the Christ. Slate has an ongoing series (10 parts so far) called the "Obama Messiah Watch": http://www.slate.com/id/218…