
I don't think they do the interrupting angry shouting thing in random press conferences though. Unless that was supposed to be parliament? Because it didn't look like the room you see on CSPAN. (Thought based on the way they're talking about the Prime Minister having to whip opposition party votes, I don't think the

I love how the CIA was nice enough to re-apply it for her in between all the torture.

I feel like this show would be one of my favorites if Hannah's character magically disappeared. Adam is great. Ray is great. Sosh is great. Marnie is okay I guess. But Hannah is just awful. Loved the scenes between Ray and Marine (his joke about The Real Housewives of Prague was so perfect and authentic and literally

Kenny walking out of the darkness with his little lamp singing carols wearing a black santa claus outfit drenched with blood is one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

"It's, how you say, 'On the money?'"

Mermaids or Frankensteins would have also been acceptable.

If Eric is dead then this show is now 100% pointless garbage. He better not be.

Also it seems like Josh (the runner-up from last season) is not doing well, to put it lightly.

I like how one of the examples of "elegant Japanese cuisine" was an Alaskan king crab California roll. Very authentic guys.

Yeah, the weird focus on random, fairly obscure (at least as far as fine dining restaurant goes) desserts this season is annoying. Whether or not you can make a perfect lemon merengue pie or eclair shouldn't really be the deciding factor in winning a cooking competition. I feel like last season had much better and

How is Krissi still on this show?! Ugh.

This show mostly just makes me pine for an American version of one of those British quiz shows they seem to love so much over there (like QI, 8 out of 10 Cats, Nevermind the Buzzcocks, etc.). You could get some funny American comedians and put it on Comedy Central and it would be a hit.