Hamburger Jones

I just started watching new episodes for the first time in several years, and honestly, it's pretty jarring how different most of the voices have become. Bart in particular wavers between an amped-up version of Nancy Cartwright's own voice and a bad impression of Lisa. I totally buy that that's Marcia Wallace in the

Only Michigan could be "Unique Left Turn Laws."

Fixing the shower: Nick Work

It's the yelling. My boyfriend and I always joke that Jake Johnson is an alumnus of the Charlie Day School of Yelling.

I've fortunately never let "married" slip, but being someone who accidentally blurted out "I love you" to a guy on the second date, then mistook the same dude for suggesting we move in together about a month later (when he was actually on the phone with a buddy) … I nearly cried laughing at that moment.