Brideshead Regurgitated

"Move! She moves!"

"Move! She moves!"

I actually think "Marry Me a Little" is a terribly, terribly cynical song which perfectly encapsulates Bobby's state of denial at the end of the first act ("we'll look not too deep/we'll go not too far/we won't have to give up a thing/we'll stay who we are"). Curious to hear why you don't like it.

I actually think "Marry Me a Little" is a terribly, terribly cynical song which perfectly encapsulates Bobby's state of denial at the end of the first act ("we'll look not too deep/we'll go not too far/we won't have to give up a thing/we'll stay who we are"). Curious to hear why you don't like it.

I'm admittedly a huge fan of the Esparza version, but I saw this live and thought Neil Patrick Harris was painfully vocally insufficient. Particularly in the big songs like "Being Alive," it was hard to listen to him struggle. Supporting cast was great, though—I was pleasantly surprised by how well the non-singers,

I'm admittedly a huge fan of the Esparza version, but I saw this live and thought Neil Patrick Harris was painfully vocally insufficient. Particularly in the big songs like "Being Alive," it was hard to listen to him struggle. Supporting cast was great, though—I was pleasantly surprised by how well the non-singers,

For what it's worth, Project Nim is excellent. I have tickets to a screening of The Queen of Versailles tonight and I'm definitely going. I'll catch up with the post-debate spin tomorrow—for tonight I'm just too exhausted with politics.

For what it's worth, Project Nim is excellent. I have tickets to a screening of The Queen of Versailles tonight and I'm definitely going. I'll catch up with the post-debate spin tomorrow—for tonight I'm just too exhausted with politics.

I actually loved the pig slaughter chapter. The father blew up the pig's bladder and the kids batted it around like a balloon. I thought it was the coolest thing ever.

I actually loved the pig slaughter chapter. The father blew up the pig's bladder and the kids batted it around like a balloon. I thought it was the coolest thing ever.

Pretty sure that was Steinbeck.

Pretty sure that was Steinbeck.

I never said it was a good paper.

I never said it was a good paper.

I'm in the middle of writing a massive paper on the causes of World War I, saw this, and immediately thought of the Germans goading the Austrians into declaring war and using Russian mobilization as a pretext to mobilize against France.

I'm in the middle of writing a massive paper on the causes of World War I, saw this, and immediately thought of the Germans goading the Austrians into declaring war and using Russian mobilization as a pretext to mobilize against France.

He played Henry IV for the BBC this summer and was outstanding. First time he's been good in anything since maybe The Lion King. I think he just got lazy after his Oscar.

He played Henry IV for the BBC this summer and was outstanding. First time he's been good in anything since maybe The Lion King. I think he just got lazy after his Oscar.