Brideshead Regurgitated

Apologies. I know very little about Kipling apart from "The White Man's Burden" and was basing my comparison to Ferguson almost entirely on that basis.

Apologies. I know very little about Kipling apart from "The White Man's Burden" and was basing my comparison to Ferguson almost entirely on that basis.

Ferguson in a nutshell:

Ferguson in a nutshell:

Niall Ferguson is a hack and a jingoistic clown. He hasn't written a well-respected (by historians) book since the nineties. He relies entirely on superficial cleverness without any substantive ideas or research. It's old-fashioned imperialism trussed up with the illusion of legitimacy and scholarship. And also just

Niall Ferguson is a hack and a jingoistic clown. He hasn't written a well-respected (by historians) book since the nineties. He relies entirely on superficial cleverness without any substantive ideas or research. It's old-fashioned imperialism trussed up with the illusion of legitimacy and scholarship. And also just

I loved the Dead Poets Society reference. They've probably been sitting on that joke for eight years and finally thought they could get away with making it.

I loved the Dead Poets Society reference. They've probably been sitting on that joke for eight years and finally thought they could get away with making it.

Ralph Fiennes is in this too (briefly seen outside Bond's interrogation) and has refused to say anything about his role, which makes me think it's some sort of villain, and he definitely fits those criteria.

Ralph Fiennes is in this too (briefly seen outside Bond's interrogation) and has refused to say anything about his role, which makes me think it's some sort of villain, and he definitely fits those criteria.

Not gonna lie, that Anne Boleyn show sounds a little intriguing.  Will they keep the accusations of incest and witchcraft?  Is Anne a wannabe actress pursuing the head of a film studio?  Did Anne's sister and possibly also her mother have an affair with him before her?  Instead of the Acts of Supremacy, will the guy

We had crumpets, clotted cream, and Earl Grey in a teapot.  Totally unashamed.

I wish David Morrissey did more stuff that doesn't air exclusively in the UK.  He's so, so good.

I might be the only one who feels this way, but the jokes about Jenna's history with Mickey Rourke never get old.

I would kill to see Jessica Walter in Gypsy, based entirely on her various drunken renditions of Rose's Turn on Arrested Development.

I'm embarrassed that I get every reference in this post.  And that Steve's 82nd birthday is a week from Thursday.

I thought Sondheim put the kibosh on Barbra in a movie version of Gypsy about a year ago.  I wonder why the change of heart.  He's writing a new musical, so maybe he wants the money to produce it himself?

He was about six foot two if I remember correctly.  They opened up his tomb and measured his body in the eighteenth century.  Tall by today's standards, but a giant by thirteenth century standards.

David Morrissey was recently cast as the Governor.  So excited.

The best part of Camp is the Stephen Sondheim cameo.  Just wonderful.