Across 110th Street and Hell in the Pacific!
A toy FAILboat for YOU!
lol wut
Return of the Jedi just lost another star on my Netflix account. Keep it up George!
Maladroit's half of a good album. I remember hearing Beverly Hills for the first time, and saying that it was clearly a joke, especially once that godawful solo kicked in. Four albums later, I'm starting think maybe they weren't kidding.
It should also be noted that Jeffrey Tambor showed up in Postal.
What about
the episode of Happy Days with Mork? Or the episode of The Dick Van Dyke show where he dreams about the walnut aliens?
I wholeheartedly agree with 3-8, and 9 and 10 are still mostly great.
I wonder if the producers of Delgo are secretly behind this, as a way to recoup lost expenses.
It looks like cutscenes from a really terrible PS2 game.
The Library of Congress has been notified. Thank you for your opinion.
Stipe, Buck, Mills, and Berry all had a major hand in 36 Chambers. Berry rapped about farming.
I would say Dead Man or Broken Flowers. But then there's Down by Law…
Lisa needs braces.
My phone can call people.
Nevermind, I saw the panda-raping and assumed you were confused on episode titles. You hate Homer's Enemy? What's wrong with you?
@EmperorSeth: "Homer's Enemy" is the episode with Frank Grimes losing his mind, and is one of my all-time favorites. The episode you're thinking of is from season 12, "Homer vs. Dignity." I definitely agree with you too, that episode makes me cringe.