Lucid Minority

Richard kicked some serious ass, that was a thing of beauty.    I wonder how hard Gillian will be looking for Tommy next season?   It'd be a shame for Julia, Richard, and Tommy to not have the opportunity for a little bit of happy time together.

Richard kicked some serious ass, that was a thing of beauty.    I wonder how hard Gillian will be looking for Tommy next season?   It'd be a shame for Julia, Richard, and Tommy to not have the opportunity for a little bit of happy time together.

Pigs will eat damn near anything.   They do not have any standards.  You don't need to starve them for them to eat people.   You don't need to chop up the body, either.   Deadwood wasn't joking when they used this method of disposing of corpses.

Pigs will eat damn near anything.   They do not have any standards.  You don't need to starve them for them to eat people.   You don't need to chop up the body, either.   Deadwood wasn't joking when they used this method of disposing of corpses.

meh. utterly meh.

meh. utterly meh.

since an hour ago?

since an hour ago?





exactly, so the Iron Islanders burned Winterfell before handing over that fuck Theon to Stark's men, and Stark's men just let them slide on the Arson?

exactly, so the Iron Islanders burned Winterfell before handing over that fuck Theon to Stark's men, and Stark's men just let them slide on the Arson?

Can't please all the people all the time I guess.   I thought it was a silly, fun, entertaining movie, superior to the first one.

excellent series
This show just plain rocks. I'm so tired of all the whiners' lame-ass complaints about it. I'm guessing these are the same fools that thought 'Inception' was a work of *genius* ?

A freakin minus?
A-. are you SERIOUS? Has the bar been set so low as to earn THIS an A-?

damn, it's *nice* to be BONA-FIDE!