
Well that's the USPS for ya.

Like we need to tell you.

It was a blanket invitation. You just need to pay more attention.

Mom? Mom, is that you?

I'm in!

I thought so.

Good to know about both of those as I plan to get to them eventually. I just started Butcher's Furies of Calderon and I like it a lot. Just what I need, another series to get involved in.

Yeah, I immediately made a mental note of that quote. Fantastic.

Not the point I was taking issue with. Never mind.


Jealousy is ugly.

I have never heard someone hold Hamilton up as a prime example of rap. That's fucking ridiculous and I don't believe you.

No, that's fair, what with all the white people in the cast and all the white people on this mixtape. Fuckin' racist.

Cool, thanks!

Yeah that was what I used it for. Well to get started in the first place. I don't know if I'll ever do it again though.

Bitch Planet trade or individual issue? I read the first trade and am waiting for the next

It's really good. He's got a good sense of how to tell a story.

Good luck to you both! It's an insane amount of work.

Finished The Girl With All the Gifts by M.R. Carey and I loved it. Really interesting and well told story. Granted it was right up my alley with the post-apocalyptic, gifted protagonist bit. Can't wait for the movie.

Why the fuck is this news. People are the goddamned worst.