That's awesome! I'll have to check it out today.
That's awesome! I'll have to check it out today.
My book is so close to being done. Just need to get a finished cover and then I can submit it to get the first copy printed. I cannot fucking wait.
And if we aren't, we won't be celebrating a god. damn. thing.
Fuck off.
*sigh* spoiler
I couldn't agree more. Though both are equally galling to me, it's astounding that anyone might thing he's qualified as well.
To be fair, His Dark Materials was not nearly as possible and didn't have 8 huge movies made out of them.
Any Cubs fans expecting anything deserve any devastated feelings they have.
Oh that sounds familiar! Though I no longer have an account there. Thanks though! I could still read it.
I finished the His Dark Materials series this week and absolutely loved it. Heartbreaking, but very sweet, with a lot of themes right up my alley.
Okay, fair enough. To be honest, I didn't click on your link.
I wouldn't condemn anyone focusing on happy thoughts. I think there's a line there, if you can figure out which emotions are useful or valid. Like did I need to get angry at the two asshole drivers that inconvenienced me for thirty seconds on my way home today? No. But I did. And I stopped thinking about them…
I think it's beneficial to be able to consider the other side. But yeah, saying whatever comes into your head just to contradict people is asshole behavior.
You have to figure out if you're only doing it for yourself. It's really hard to find that line sometimes. I feel like every situation is different.
Yeah, they're all the same to me.
Well said. He hated himself for letting it happen. It was all too familiar to how victims so often react.
I'm glad to hear you're doing better. Have a good time!
Good choice. That storyline has always stuck with me.
I've read that it's not quite as wide of a gap by the popular vote (I'm assuming you've seen the state by state map), but it's still disgusting.