
The writer really gets a lot of detail wrong here or misses it entirely. For example, The Punisher character and comic was pretty much a direct ripoff of the already-wildly-successful novel series The Executioner - and the latter's popularity may have been a major driver behind the filming of Death Wish (and the

The "Nuke/Nurse" buttons were a running gag in the show even before the video.

The casting that should have happened - and sadly never did - would be Brian Dennehy as Long John Silver in a straight-up miniseries of TREASURE ISLAND. He had the build, the face and That Smile.

I would love it if the 1950s pilot with Kurt Kasznar as Wolfe and William Shatner as Archie ever surfaces, though. (And I still hear William Conrad's voice as Wolfe when I read the books.)

There already is one. With Orson Welles, no less.

The '67' etc. was required because the 1950s episodes were still in syndication in some markets at the time.

The show did a bit more than that, at least early on. One episode you must have missed has an entirely black cast except for Webb and Morgan, and quite a few of the first and second-season shows have subtle undertones of Webb's disgust for racism.

Will Geer, in something close to his role in SECONDS, as Wednesday. Tony Todd as Shadow.

Maybe it's just me…but why does the UNBREAKABLE KIMMY SCHMIDT open show more of a bro with a nylon on his head than the actual title character?

Nope. Off to YouTube for a medley of The Rockford Files, The NBC Mystery Movie, and Bravestarr.

If they can match the general realism of the original, this could be good.

Yep. And a huge run in syndication for years after. (And worth it - I think it was generally the best Lear show after ALL IN THE FAMILY, give or take MAUDE.) And weirdly, it just mostly disappeared two decades back.

And now you know where "We Are The Road Crew" came from…(Another bloody Customs post/Another fuckin' foreign coast/Another set of scars to boast!)

The first episode had him as being married, but they apparently decided that made him sleazier than necessary (since through most of the first season he's leching after Ann and every other adult woman in the building.)

Stephen King once quoted Serling as saying "One third of the shows were great, one third were OK, and one third were dogs."

A small story, just for perspective…

Wait, what?

Your second and third sentences are correct, but you're off base on the first and last. It's not a matter of "making more money than the lawyers cost" - CBS probably spent well over that $150K just getting the Cease and Desist letter written and sent, never mind what it would cost them to go to court.

It was in the book, and deliberately as part of a prank on the editor of the magazine that carried it originally, who had previously censored an innocuous bit of slang in a Hammett story just because he thought it sounded obscene.

So, at the end of the day, Frank Murphy is basically Archie Bunker 10-odd years before ALL IN THE FAMILY started? Not bright, stuck in a schlep job that only gets worse, gets driven nuts by his family, his job and his life, and is resultantly an angry jerk most of the time (but still occasionally kind to those he