Jesus Built My Lizard

For a long time the only place I could hear the Kars 4 Kids jingle was when I'd WFAN's Internet feed, where it stood out from all the other terrible ads that used to air during the breaks. It didn't take long for it to air in Boston, so now I get to hear it on local radio.

Jeremy? Chad Lowe and Jeremy Renner star in True Detective - Season 3.

Both are daughters of Simon Kirke, of Bad Company fame. The only fleeting interest I had in watching Girls occurred after learning that Jemima was Simon's daughter. That moment lasted about five seconds.

"Julie Thorsen is a pastry chef in Milwaukee, where we worked together at my grandparents’ spice shop…"

You'd be surprised how many people dismissed GBV in the nineties. I'm probably roughly the same age as you, and friends who liked bands like Pavement, Stereolab or even Shudder to Think would dismiss GBV for some reason, and this was after they released Bee Thousand. I couldn't figure out why, but it's reassuring that

I tried to like Challengers, and I'll probably try and like it again, but I just don't like it as much as I do the other New Pornographers albums. The one song I really do like on it is "Fail-safe", which most people seem to think of as one of the weaker songs on the album.

If The Phantom Menace was really the first Star Wars movie there wouldn't be five other Star Wars movies.

When someone mentions "The Game" the first thing that comes to mind is James Rebhorn's dancing.

But is it any good?

I'm surprised that there was no mention of Lilah or Lindsey anywhere in the article, since they were the representatives of Wolfram & Hart that they dealt with the most. Lilah was probably my favorite secondary character on any of Joss Whedon shows, and a lot of favorite moments in the show involved her.

"12 Reasons Why Dr. Frederick Chilton is So Jealous of Will Graham and Hannibal Lecter's Relationship"

Seeing Michael Vartan's name in the guest credits was like seeing names like Kristin Griffith or Michael O'Keefe in Law and Order's credits. More of a "they're still working" vibe than a "damn, that's a nice get" feeling. And that's without knowing that any actor in L&O might be focusing on their work on Broadway .

Sorry if someone already brought this one up, but Neil Young and Talk Talk both have songs called "I Believe In You". And they're both great.

I thought that tonight would be about the strain in Daniel and Amantha's relationship, but then Ted Jr. told us all about his I raped someone but it's ok because I'm a good Christian conservative republican…

I think the comment made by David Simon was in reference to Bill Simmons. Either someone would bring up "The Wire" to him in one of his mailbag or he'd write that one of his friends told him that he should watch it, and he'd decline because he didn't want to be told what to watch. Then sometime after season 4 he

I didn't see Minions, but I found one in a box of Banana Nut Cheerios. It's the first time I've received a prize in a cereal box in about fifteen years.

There was a pretty good chance that you had a teacher like Ms. Farrell, but she probably had you in her class when you were in the second or third grade. I know that was the case for me.

I thin hot hot Will Graham/Hannibal Lector action is more likely to happen. And I'd watch every second of it.

The only two shows I have any interest in watching air at the same time. I'll probably watch Hannibal in the hope that someone will pick it up for a fourth season, but I'm not optimisic.

I couldn't make it past the Lisa Simpson "impersonation". Egads that was awful. I think I tapped out before you did, and I have no intention to confirm my statement.