Jesus Built My Lizard

Ashes to Ashes would be tough to follow - I don't think anyone's released the DVDs nor have I seen it on Netflix. A local PBS station is showing it on Mondays as part of a block that includes MI-5. MI-5 would be a good show to recap - at least the first three or four seasons, anyway.

The Logan subplot makes the next two episodes bearable. Actually, it only makes "Versatile Toppings" bearable. Nothing short of a complete overhaul of the script could have made "The Quick and the Wed" any better. Rowan's in for a rough time trying to write the next recap.

I honestly clicked on this link because I thought that someone made a film of Katherine Dunn's book "Geek Love". Tell me that I'm not the only one who made that mistake.

I liked the way J.R seemed sincere in the way he pulled for Bobby, in contrast to the mild contempt he had for the rest of the people in his life. I didn't buy the idea of Cliff Barnes being president, though, Even without J.R. around I couldn't see Cliff rising any higher than, say, a sinecure position in Texas state

As a Bruins fan I think of Laviolette as the coach who got away. He was the assistant coach at the time the Bruins during the Mike Keenan and he had a proven track record as a winner at the minor league level. Instead, they passed him over for Robbie Ftorek. Both were from New England, but Ftorek had the bigger name

The only thing about the ending of Observe and Report that I remember is that it featured a Queen song called "It's Late", which I hadn't heard for about fifteen years. It wasn't a bad movie, but I came away thinking that it could have been better. As mall security movies go, it was far better than Paul Blart: Mall

That's the last season with Michael Moriarty as Ben Stone, right? If so, I'm with you. The episodes with Harris Yulin as a washed up physics professor and Allison Janney as a baby food entrepeneur who unwittingly joins into a partnership with the Russian mob are two of my favorite episodes in the series, and the

Yesterday WWE Raw was in town, and I saw the crowd gathering in the building and in the streets. I thought to myself that if there was twice as many females in the crowd, I could have convinced myself that there was a Rush concert in the building last night instead of professional wrestling. Lord knows when I saw them

And Kenneth Haigh, the lead in "The Last Flight' was the lead alongside Robert Morley in "Specialty of the House" another classic AHP episode.

Summer School is one of those movies that I enjoy watching even though I know that isn't really very good. I'm glad Mr. Harmon didn't seem to feel insulted or ashamed when you brought it up.

ISB isn’t just a bad band to introduce people to British Folk-Rock – it’s probably destined to turn them off of the genre. I love Hangman, but if you try to play it in a room someone will turn it off halfway into Koeeaddi There. Trust me, I know this from experience. And Mike Heron’s voice can be grating at times.

I loved seeing "Peekaboo" on the list, but the one episode I was hoping to see on here was "Suffer the Little Children" from Deadwoood. Even after repeated viewings the scene where Cy kills the two con artists is pretty creepy.

If Noel doesn't like the Ben Edlund episode of Season 5 that would call all his reviews into question.

I'm watching this show right now. It's not even half over, and I now really really hope that the Cubs never, ever come close to winning a World Series ever again. At least Red Sox fans blame a player for not winning it all. Ninety percent of the people calling for his head would have done the same thing he did if they

Ah, The Starfighters. Starring none other than future right wing Congressman Bob Dornan.

Listening to Fear isn't very good, but Xander using a book with the title "Meteors and You" to help fight the enemy of the week still makes me smile.

The econ/FBLA was played by Michael Kostroff, who played Maury Levy on "The Wire". I remember doing a double take when he showed up at Neptune High. And wasn't Jane Lynch a teacher in one episode - I know she played some Neptune HIgh employee.

Another unimportant casting spoiler - UPN was pushing a show with Kristin Cavallari during Veronica Mars' second season, and part of the promotion involved Kristin being a guest star on Veronica Mars in one of the series' worst episodes. Kristin's costar was Ethan Erickson, best known as Percy in Buffy the Vampire

Yes, you should. The first season is just about perfect. Seasons two and three have their rough patches, but both are worth watching, and the finale is just a notch below The Shield or Six Feet Under finales.

The Blue Clam Cult reference makes me cringe every time I hear it. It pains me to even type it.