
Jaime Winstone should not be as fuckable as she is. A lot like Stacy from Eastenders.

I can understand a dislike of everything from your list but… Some Like it Hot? I can re-watch that film at any time and it will lift my spirits.

I wish less people liked Radiohead. They're too popular and admitting they're my favourite band is too cliched for my hipster credentials.

Yep, I'm totally with you on that one. Don't get it…Although "My Girls" is their first song I have a glimmer of appreciation for.

I partly agree with Tobias about Network. From a really interesting starting point it adds layer upon layer of satire until the whole thing becomes practically nonsensical. The subplot about the revolutionaries is awful and I think the moment the film lost me was when Holden and Dunaway get together - at no point does

Yeah, both The Thriller in Manilla and the Polanski documentary were brilliant. More 4 do seem to get exclusive documentaries on a regular basis.

The way the Pacino and De-niro share the screen in this film is really weird. It's like every scene has to have a perfect symmetry giving each actor the same amount of emphasis. Often they even mirror each others actions. I imagine that the set was a massive power struggles that the director couldn't control