
Tetris, followed closely by Mario 3, Super Metroid, Half-Life, and Zelda: Link to the Past

Because it needs to be said:
The Zack Morris thing (and the planned SBtB reunion) almost make up for the fact that Jimmy Fallon is the star of 5 hours of network television time each week. Quite frankly, it's about time somebody recognize how much money can be made off of our generation's nostalgia for Saved By the

I, for one, welcome our sunglass-wearing overlord.

If my comment didn't make sense, it's only because I bent over backwards trying make a joke about Americans saying "I saw the British office first and it was better" without being accused of trying to do a covert firstie. Fucking internet.

I wonder if…
people in England try to feel superior by telling all their friends how much better the American version of "The Apprentice" is.

I thought the Biden bit was sort of Letterman-esque in that it took a marginally funny bit and purposefully ran it into the ground to the point that it boomeranged and became funny again (especially with that final bit, which switched it up to a concern about the swine flu). Of course, Letterman in his prime would

"Are you being sarcastic, dude?"
"I don't even know anymore."

abc, fantastic.

"they asked me for collateral, and I pulled down my pants."

Yes, I love that rather than attempt to hide the fact that the chorus sounds kinda like "My Sweet Lord," they just let the song slowly transform into "My Sweet Lord," complete with that great slide riff.

This is nonetheless a step above that commercial for Viera tvs with Kima's girlfriend.

Am I the only one…
who thinks "Big Bang Theory" is kindof annoying?

I'll give you Carey, question the importance of the capital "S" on the avclub message board, and promise not to post pre-coffee again.

Christa, not Crista. Christ!

I, too, like scrubs, although I haven't watched it in a year and a half or so. Is this season worth checking out?

I actually approve of the blunt firstie. It's thematically appropriate for the summer movie preview.

I love this trhead!

Didn't Bart own a race horse at some point? What was it named?

Adam Corolla is actually quite hilarious. Has anyone heard his movie pitch for "Pedophisle"? Brilliant.

Umm…Michael Jackson was acquitted in a court of law! Just like O.J.!