
For those interested:

I don't know if his appearance in GWAR's Skullhead Face is on the reel, but I am sad not to see it listed in this article.

Avenged Sevenfold headlined a show with Deftones and Ghost as the opener. I hate Avenged Sevenfold, and Deftones are okay, but I really wanted to see Ghost. We stuck around for Deftones, as my buddy was a fan, but I made sure I left before one note from Avenged polluted my ear drums.

I don't know how weird it is, but I always liked, "I fucked her asshole with a piece of frozen shit" by GWAR. For the record, they were singing about a 14 year old with no arms or legs.

I was stationed with Fred Durst's brother in Guam when I was in the Air Force.  He was a loader. 

No kidding.  I was at the local watering hole and this shitty bad snuck "Man in the Box" in between some Breaking Benjamin and Nickleback.  It disgusted me so much I finished my beer and left.

I guess at this point, since you aren't quite caught up yet that I probably shouldn't mention that Lori dies and gets shot by her son in order to prevent her from turning.  Also that T-Dog unfortunately gets it as well.  Or that the Governor has a bunch of severed heads in fish tanks and a zombie kid who he keeps on a

I guess at this point, since you aren't quite caught up yet that I probably shouldn't mention that Lori dies and gets shot by her son in order to prevent her from turning.  Also that T-Dog unfortunately gets it as well.  Or that the Governor has a bunch of severed heads in fish tanks and a zombie kid who he keeps on a

Funny.  Someone was on Sepinwall's Walking Dead review complaining about the exact same thing and then acting the exact same way as you are when called on it.

Funny.  Someone was on Sepinwall's Walking Dead review complaining about the exact same thing and then acting the exact same way as you are when called on it.

I think it was just bad luck.  Herds of zombies can kind of just group together and randomly roam around.  I think a herd of them just happened to be passing by at the time and heard the shots.  Perhaps it's a bit convenient, but it's also entirely possible.

I know stunt tits when I see them.

The most depressing thing about this wonderful show is that we're never going to get to see April's beautiful, big ass tits.  

Well, this sucks.  Now I have to watch at least one episode of America's Got Talent.

You think I ate the pizza?

I've actually burned a mouse in my oven while cooking a pizza.  I have no idea how it got in there, but I started to smell something funky around the time that my pizza was nearly done.  When it is done I go to take it out and the smell overpowers me.

I thought the exact same thing.

So, when did Frank and Artemis break up?  It makes me sad that they aren't making love in fast food dumpsters anymore.