Lane Meyer

Being of Norwegian heritage, I grew up surrounded by the fucking things, so I really appreciated Troy's reaction of horror towards the doll.

You know, when you put it that way, I have to agree.
I'm certainly all for a darker, more subversive Community, but my main concern is that the writers tread carefully in order for it not to feel forced. That is where many shows that try to pull this off go wrong.

I agree about Todd's rant. I feel like the writers are really pushing the whole "Look how messed up these people are!" angle, and it's getting stale.

"I don't know you…but I just don't trust you, and I don't think I could ever grow to like you."

I loved the shot at the end, with the camera lingering on Kevin just looking utterly defeated.

"We haven't had sex in a YEAR! October 20th! It was so loving, and sexy…and even a little bit weird!"