I don't typically like commenting on the grades either, but seeing that C+ hanging out there is kinda off-putting. I totally believe there are stronger episodes and weaker episodes this season, but I honestly do not think any fell below B- for me.
I don't typically like commenting on the grades either, but seeing that C+ hanging out there is kinda off-putting. I totally believe there are stronger episodes and weaker episodes this season, but I honestly do not think any fell below B- for me.
I have a pretty good idea, actually. What's the point of copying and pasting your dissent into multiple forums though? Are you actually trying to change minds? Or are you just trying to make sure we understand your take on the new season?
I'm pretty sure his point is you've made your thoughts very clear on the entire season in many posts, and that in spite of that, your insistence on continuing to post the same thing over and over again doesn't say much for you.
Troll feed stop!
I don't think I'm breaking new ground here, but it's definitely my favorite runner of the season. Closely followed by the eating of parmesan and mustard.
People are sounding like recovering addicts, unwilling to dive in too far for fear of losing themselves. I don't really get it either, why put yourself at a specific pace? I'm not saying watch 'em all at one time, but i don't see why one here, two there, when you FEEL like it, as opposed to some pre-determined…
Reminds me of one of my favorite parts from Cable Guy: "I think they were…..Asian!"
Not to be that guy but the review made reference to Disney/Marvel owning Fantastic Four - I believe that is still a Fox property, no?
The first one has grown on me to the point where it's on of my favorites in the season.
May I add, that is awesome
Gah I guess I'll have to check it out now. I do my best to avoid Grantland due to my incredibly over-the-top hatred of Bill Simmons, but they've poached so many good writers from other sites I may have to bite the bullet. Damn you Simmons!
Here's one of the things that really bothered me about Anakin building C3PO (and this goes beyond the bounds of acceptable geekery): We're led to believe that the droids' names indicate model number. in a crazy scheme to make money, presumably the maker of droids like R2 make more than one to sell.
if you look closely in the beginning of the film you can see a poor CGI dwarf who had hung himself from a tree.
Sadly it is the truth in many cases. (not saying it about Smaug specifically, just the usage of unfinished CGI in trailers).
I thought Tolkien was a metaphor for smoking weed.
I don't think the problem was putting them in the prequels, I think the problem was giving them their own stupid little adventures to go on, like swapping heads with those droids.
@avclub-3c2ddf2682d61814f0b7a96ca8b9e84f:disqus plus did you see how weirdly they filmed it? The lighting was so bizarre it looked like some cheap animation!
I knew I should've not fallen asleep during the Hobbit - I had no idea the dwarves were going around straight whacking people Godfather style. Sign me up!
Ummmm, ok, not quite sure what I was trying that I get no dice for. Just pointing out the logistics of how it may have worked from a casting perspective.