
There have been plenty of mentions with most people taking the ultimately reasonable viewpoint that A) she's not imposing her "white/Westeros" morals on anyone so much as her own experience being essentially enslaved, B) that it was filmed in Morocco and, unsurprisingly, the majority of extras available had darker

Oh I absolutely believe Robert didn't know and/or wouldn't care if he did, considering the impressive amount of running around he must've done where killing all his bastards amounted to a mass homicide.

Thank you! It's been hard have to continually explain that no, Tom Cruise wasn't the last samurai. I actually used the Last of the Mohicans analogy myself and found it to be the only effective tool in the arsenal. (It doesn't hurt that Mohicans is in my top 5-10 favorite movies list). 
Never pointed out the

I don't see how one could read it as me being the one lacking humor here, as all I asked was if it belonged over there. but whatever.

I actually thought the Cersei/Jamie thing was done intentionally. It leaves some uncertainty in the air going into next season as to just how happy Cersei was to see him, handless and whatnot. Many things we do not see in this show I attribute to budget. This isn't one of 'em.

I would imagine given the mostly overlapping time periods that books 4/5 will be combined into seasons 4/5. Too much sidelining of people for an entire season if they don't.

@avclub-d980b15d49101608dc407770f35b1d75:disqus i think rhaegar/lyanna stuff serves as good backstory, but if it's not R+L=J, I don't think it's important to the series as a whole.

i'm not exaggerating when i say I threw the book across the room, nor am i exaggerating when I say i didn't pick it up again for two days.

And what a complaint it was. Asking if it belonged in the right thread.

Holy cow are you people taking this far. All I said was maybe it wasn't in the right thread. Sheeeeeeeit. Everyone needs to relax especially when some of you are the ones who get their panties in a bunch thinking people who have read the books somehow think they're better than you.

Couldn't have been Simmons if it was a good suggestion

I take offense - I'm exactly as dumb as I think I am.

@avclub-f121d09285898f1c66d66f1e6f0455a6:disqus i thought it was pretty clear. any word in particular you had trouble with?

I think it got covered extensively on the first page somewhere but I could be wrong.

Can I just say as an Asian American I have really no issue with the last samurai? I mean, Cruise adapted to the samurai culture much more than they adapted to any concepts he had in his mind. Sorry. pet peeve.

Ugh I don't want to wait till the fourth quarter for Danerys to start D'ing up during the All Star game.

It'll be awesome to see Cliff, Claire and the Huxtable gang tromping around Westeros looking for Theo next season.

Dude, we agree on a lot of things, but even with your clearly established rules, people just don't like the type of stuff you generally post here on this thread. Why even bother trying to play the game at all?

I'm not defending him, but as a book reader, none of us think we're superior to you because we read these books and you didn't. No need to call them better-than-average as a kind of pejorative if you haven't read them, and no need to cast aspersions on everyone.

It's just a phallus-seeeeeeee!