
I don't get the worries about it being "too servicing" to the fans. Sure, Hurwitz et al have learned what have become the most sticky aspects to pop culture, but in a show built on calling back to itself, numerous times, I think this kind of complaint is just looking for a reason to dislike it.

Part of Wilbur's Family on Mister Ed. Who wouldn't want to grow up with a wisecracking horse? 

probably not with a half-burned face…..

Out of genuine curiosity, was anyone planning on jumping to, say, the GOB episode if you saw GOB Segway-ing by in the background of, say, Michael's episode?

Fuck. There go my weekend plans!

Man if I had an 8-ball for this marathon I'd be, well, really wired during this marathon. But it sounds fun.

And stuff can only be funny once!

her body is phenomenal in this trailer. I don't understand how it couldn't be purely sexually objectified.

I was pleasantly surprised by that flick and am actually quite fond of Sudeikis as a newer face in these R-rated comedies.

Man I hate to be that guy about AD, but as I was doing my nine millionth rewatch I noticed that either earlier in the same episode, or one episode before, he explicitly called Michael (only to get GOB) hoping to get money to pay the police off with. So where did he get the cash from?

I don't think it's weird to be annoyed with people who have money to do their own thing but ask others to help them out. I don't walk around all day hating the concept, it doesn't keep me up at night, and there are certain legitimate use cases that don't annoy me.

I was hoping he wouldn't delve into details as I thought Gilly might just turn around and say, "Oh no, your daddy was mean to you? Mine raped me repeatedly and got me preggers with a child he would've sacrificed to the White Walkers. Shut your pie-hole."

Well the market decided they weren't good enough to make it on their own without this extra source of revenue.

Fair point, but mine still remains: Why even bring up the mere mention when you know what kind of tizzy it causes? Intentional antagonism on the internet is typically classified as trolling.

The ones at the beginning of the review

She's being paranoid. If that's all it takes to be smart, then we're locking up some of our best minds in mental institutions.

Because he's been shown to make dumb decisions in times of duress already?

Oh calm down. You blatantly showed no disregard for the rules of this forum and now whine like a baby about it. It;s simple- they don't want any information that derives from the books. It;s not about what you think is important, it's about other people's desire to just not hear anything. Sheesh.

Why bother posting it AT ALL here when any comparisons to the books are expressly discussed as not being welcome, not just things you consider to be a spoiler. What's so hard about following that rule and saying, hey, this thing I'm about to post has something to do with the book, so I'm just gonna take it to the

Sam dropped the dagger?