
I don't think it's about what is or isn't considered a spoiler by newbies - it's just that it's clearly stated that any comparison to the books is unwelcome on this thread. How can that be hard to understand? Why do people feel slighted by this easy request?

God I hate that complaint. Nolan makes long movies as it is - the last thing I would've wanted to see is a 5 minute scene explaining how Bruce Wayne kept caches of cash hidden over the globe, or borrowed the money, or whatever. It's irrelevant to the story, not a plothole.

@RedScarab:disqus or on most forums on the Internet…..

They don't allow you to have Bs in here.

It would be interesting to see how Joffrey's chicken dance might be different from Cersei's whose might be different than Tywin's……"have any of you ever even seen a chicken?"

I'd argue Cersei is the one Lannister everyone can outsmart.

GoT spoiler! Everyone proceed to freak the geek out! Damn you Todd!

Like i clearly said, I think it's been overdone, but the reasoning why they had to show any torture at all makes perfect sense to me.

That's the thing - they HAVE to do that story. They've spent too much time establishing Ramsay as the future "guy-who-everyone-loves-to-hate" post Joffrey to not follow through on establishing the Boltons as Wardens of the North in the future. And the only way to do that is via fake Arya. Which requires the

I thought about it but went with the original. Though yes, absolutely, if Annyong were pronouncing it

@avclub-9d67b0284c2caf6ad412db085a4838b5:disqus community ref?

@avclub-0840875a9da6f24c4e0fc883b399d93a:disqus Ok gotcha. Mis-read the convo. My bad.

I can't see them having her neck just flapping around in the open and having to close it up to talk. Either break the 4th wall and get her one of those electronic talky-thingees (technical term) or leave her mouth and neck intact.

I remember having the same reaction, even though I had liked Robb up to that point.

@avclub-0840875a9da6f24c4e0fc883b399d93a:disqus well to be fair I'm sure a lot of people who do actually care about the people, or others we know pretend to, also partook in that feast (that must've been Gurm's career writing highlight). Margaery, for instance. (Though I question her more than Varys).

maybe she was referring to the pit hair Rose Leslie should probably be sporting, but I am glad she is not.

@lawanddisorder1986:disqus my god you are a spoiler fiend, aren't you? I'm starting to feel like your dealer

@avclub-c90d24f7f3c3bf0291a60677aab4c3c6:disqus i think it'd be pretty funny if you marched yourself into a police office, or, say, a NOW convention, and made that declaration out loud.

Which is totally understood, which leads to my question: Do your editors need to be familiar with the show that you're reviewing to do the best job possible editing it? (I don't know how formal your process for editing is, so this is assuming there is some level going on).

Well he managed it by just ignoring Theon when it happened, and then brought up mention of the abuses he suffered in Theon's POV chapters.