is any of the stuff Lovejoy prattles on about actually in the Bible? I could never tell and never bothered picking one of them up to find out.
is any of the stuff Lovejoy prattles on about actually in the Bible? I could never tell and never bothered picking one of them up to find out.
Good to know - i'd hate for that event to be in any way marginalized on screen compared to the array of emotions Gurm put us through when writing that sequence.
You know I think that's the primary movie I think of when it comes to that.
My observation is anecdotal as well so no worries.
@avclub-fddd7938a71db5f81fcc621673ab67b7:disqus good point. I do think they will bother with it if only because Gurm brought it up a lot in the books (and to his credit, I still was blown away by what the extent of what happened when I read them the 1st time) and that it does add to the significance (however minorly)…
@avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus I did read what you wrote. Now please do me the same kindness and recognize I stated that regardless of how insignificant or meaningless it is to you or me, they have CLEARLY stated their displeasure with knowing anything.
@avclub-b1669a2caf2b394a6b2c7a708f0ab4e6:disqus what was so contrived about it? That they just stumbled upon it? I guess I can see that but I wonder how else you get those guys to obtain the needed dragonglass without somehow having Sam run into the children of the forest or something.
It's certainly the most economical choice, both from a financial and time perspective. Only so many hours left, I can't imagine getting away from all this just to go hang with Edric Storm.
As far as I know there are at least two known ways to get south of the wall without scaling it, but those ways aren't with their perils either. The wildlings can try to go around Eastwatch if they had boats, or around the west side where there's apparently quite a dense and unwieldy forest.
I think there's going to be a fine line with the number of times they mention guest rights. I think it'd be better to have the concept appear at least once more before the RW so it's in our hands, but too much back and forth between Robb and Catelyn at the wedding about having eaten bread and salt and thus are safe…
Like you guys I'm not getting the sense there's any real sense of dreading for the Wedding on the newbies thread, but here's my question:
I'm thinking the theory. They need someone plausibly young enough to pass off as a young highborn lady - Ros, for all her assets, is far past the age where she could be confused for a 13-15 year old (or however old Arya is at this point).
@avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus so why bother dropping the hints over there? They clearly do not like them, you know the hints you are dropping are insignificant or meaningless to the story else you wouldn't protest so often, but yu also know they piss people off, and you know you'll be pissing them…
CGI "speech fog" is quite possibly the worst CGI ever. Never believable and always seems mistimed.
For what it's worth, I thought Dany's time in Qarth was worse, and that didn;t last the number of episodes this has (I don't think? I thought they spent part of early season 2 wandering around)
yup it was a short scene so easy to miss, and almost discussed in the background of a scene, but Roose definitely mentioned how his bastard could handle re-taking Winterfell since Robb was busy off winning battles but making generally poor decisions.
Randianism: Ideas About Capitalism, Rape, or Whatever!
I forgot TWoP was ever a "thing".
they eliminated numerous possibilities for hiding places for him. They did plenty. Just because they personally didn't find them doesn't mean they didn't do anything. If there's no lockdown, no search through houses, maybe the guy doesn't go out for a smoke.
@avclub-022199896b1f52952c180b60caa681bd:disqus and dismissing arguments for using a single word you don;t like bolsters your position as eminently logical and worth discussing issues with.